HomeMiscellaneousWhat is 'the ONE thing?'Vote for "the ONE thing"What is ‘the ONE thing’ about Port Orford?
What is ‘the ONE thing’ about Port Orford?

“the ONE thing” is a new section of Mike’s Road Trip…it’s where people chime-in to tell my followers and me about what makes their community unique, special and/or interesting.
If you are from, or have visited Port Orford, Oregon….tell us what “ONE thing” makes this area unique, special and/or interesting. In other words, why should people visit? For example: lots of outdoor activities, unique eateries, friendly people, scenic views, art scene, tourist attraction(s), landmark, etc.
I know it can be very difficult to narrow something down to just “ONE thing,” but please do your best.
Mike Shubic
Mike Shubic is a seasoned road trip travel video blogger, traversing the byways of the world looking for those hidden gems of the road. From unique destinations, unexpected discoveries, creative cuisine, intriguing inns to exciting attractions…the road is his page. The experiences are his ink. And every 300 miles, a new chapter begins. Whether you live vicariously or by example, Mike will do the exploring so you can have an adventure.
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Our town beach has one of the most beautiful views in America–looking down a graceful sweep of beach, with rugged sea stacks, to the stately Humbug mountain in the distance. It’s a fabulous place to walk, surf, look for agates, meet friends, build sand castles–it’s the BEST.
Hi Mike,
The ‘one thing’, the thing that brought us back to Port Orford over and over until we finally moved here and opened our bed and breakfast, is the spectacular scenery. I could go on, but you only wanted one thing! Enjoy your stay here in our wonderful town.
Ours is a charming village of about 1200 people. Here is one of the most beautiful coastlines you will ever see; there are at least ten art galleries, several outstanding restaurants, museums, walking trails and the people have a cohesiveness that is evident by all the activities that are ongoing. There are also several motels and some RV parks. The highest point on the coast of Oregon is Humbug Mountain, six miles south of town which gives a somewhat challenging hike of about five and one half miles round trip offering a unique view of old growth forests.
The one thing I appreciate about the Port Orford area is the wonderfully pristine healthy watersheds that surround us. They are teaming with hearty stocks of Salmon, crystal clear opal pools and stately old growth forests. A day spent in our watersheds is a day spent in paradise!
The spectacular, breathtaking, awe-inspiring, jaw dropping ocean views. Port Orford bay, from Battle Rock Park looking down to Humbug Mountain is arguably the most amazing view of the Pacific in the US. Seriously.
Hi Mike,
Port Orford is beautiful, has good eats . Also suggest you keep coming South. On Hwy. 101, even more beautiful scenery coming up between Gold Beach and Brookings. From a fellow traveler remember “not all who wander are lost” Mark Twain
Port Orford’s One Thing is the three crown jewels of interpreted historic structures: Hughes House, Cape Blanco Lighthouse and Lifeboat Station Museum. There are over 125 member families and over 50 regular volunteers plus another 50 short term volunteers who keep making the historic experience better, as more persons visit.
After visiting here for several years, buying property in 1978, having a house built and living here for 15+ years, my nomination for the ONE thing about Port Orford is
The incomparable natural beauty of the area: ocean, beaches, mountains, forests, lake, and nearby rivers.
Everyone’s got to eat. Port Orford has some fantastic food establishments: Unbelievable views and food near Battle Rock (Redfish Restaurant, Paula’s, Crazy Norweigen’s fish and chips).
The pizza at the Hard Rain Cafe is about the best I’ve had.
There are several more eating establishments to explore in town and they’re all good.
Wild dramatic coast!
The small town charm with beautiful scenery, good restaurants and wonderful B and B’s such as the Compass Rose. We live in Eugene and wish it were closer so we could visit more often
Off the top of my head I’d say the diverse scenry. Since I love photography, I find no end to the wide span of options for me to shoot. Ocean, marshes, lakes, rivers and streams. Not to mention the beaches, dock and fishing community, wildlife and wildflowers, grasses and trees. Nature is at her best here in Port Orford. And all the above scenes are constantly changing depending on the weather and seasons……all fantastic!!
The one thing you can experience in Port Orford that is rare in most places is a fabulous night sky. On clear nights–and we have many even in winter–stars are thick overhead, the Milky Way is milky, and the planets sparkle. When the moon is out, its glow makes an ethereal path on the waters of the Pacific. Sometimes you will hear an owl calling.
Aside from the breathtaking ocean views, miles of unspoiled beaches, rivers of plenty surrounded in beauty, a community rich in culture enveloped in virtual paradise with the natural wonders of nature for all to appreciate through hiking, biking, boating or other forms of mechanical transportation, the “one thing” that sets the ‘Paradise’ that is Port Orford and its surrounding area apart from anywhere else in the world, are its amazing and beautiful people.
The simple and relaxed atmosphere, unspoiled scenery, absence of too much development, and the absence of crowds are why I and my wife settled here. It is often like we have gone back in a time machine to start a new life. But the most unique and often overlooked thing is Port Orford’s commerical “dolly dock”, allegedly one of only six worldwide. Photographing this unusual site and watching the boats unload urchins, crab and fish gives one a real appreciation for that seafood dinner you might order in a local restaurant.
Wow, you guys from Port Orford are awesome! Thank you for all the info…I’ll be posting a top-5 poll soon…from there you can vote on what you think is ‘the ONE thing’ that makes Port Orford unique, special and/or interesting. Thank you again for your participation! Cheers, Mike
The one thing I Love about Port Orford is the spirit of the population that refuses to give up and stands up for their beautiful little coastal town despite the weather or the economy changes. They are rugged, and wonderful as their coastal views.
Our fishing port is the heart of Port Orford where a huge crane is used to launch and retrieve the fishing boats. The setting is spectacular and this daily activity is truly the “ONE” thing not to miss !
Here is a YouTube video of this ‘fleet-on-wheels’ – “Port of Port Orford – Recreational and Commercial Fishing for over a Century”.
And then there is a webcam located a short distance from our fishing port. The camera looks SE over Battle Rock Beach. This beach is very popular with photographers, beachcombers and surfers. And, the camera’s viewing angle clearly shows you the day’s tidal changes and waves as they break and run up the sand:
Absolutley hands down the spectacular coastline! Not to mention the whole area is alive with history, and an overall laid back feel… it’s HOME!
The Dock. It is a unique setting filled with the energy of the fishermen and the sea, with the most stunning views of the Oregon coast imagininable. During the summer and fall, grey whales play in the surrounding surf and entertain the humans.
The dock.
For THE Steinbeckian experience, meet the workers there.
Tell them I said hi.
The natural unspoiled beauty surrounding the area aside, I love winter storm watching.
Huge waves produced by enormous weather systems in the middle of the Pacific travel our way unchecked, ultimately crashing into the sea stacks and sending up giant sprays of water!
There are many places to watch the storms, but one of my favorite places is found on one of the headland trails at the Port Orford Heads.
The U.S. Coast Guard life boat museum in the state park found at the top of Coast Guard Hill allows for ample parking. You can see the maps of the trails here:
There are three incredibly beautiful, well maintained state parks (two with outstanding campsites) within 6 miles of Port Orford. They each have wonderful hiking trails and two of them have easy access to the beautiful beaches.
The spectacular coastline!
The awe inspiring coastline
The one thing i really enjoy is our wonderful ocean view. The beautiful town of port orford great i am onley 11 and I love this town! For shuch a small town we have so much to see and lots to love. Our town is know for its ocean and the spectacular veiw over lokking our small town.
I think the trees make Port Orford a memerable place because there is a abunt amount of them and they are all a very pretty shade of green. Port orford may be small but its worth visting and thats coming from a 12 year old.
the thing i like most in port orford is the ocean view it is so great. Port orford maybe small but it is definatly worth visiting. All the trees in port orford are so beautaful. i may not like how small port orford and there may not be a lot of fun things here but it is a very beautaful place and im happy to live here.
-and this is comeing from an 11 year old
Dear Mike;
You did a very good job profiling our beautiful area and little town. I, also, have a video on YouTube (search “Port Orford”) that I did with a local videographer last spring. We worked cooperatively with a woman who has a business in Portland, doing this kind of thing for communities. We spent many hours on different days. (You were blessed with good weather while you were here, apparently.) The woman (we never met her; just worked by telephone and e-mail) edited the final version, both video and audio.
One comment. Years ago, post cards were printed saying that Cape Blanco (where the lighthouse stands) was the westernment point in the 48 states. That was probably true when Oregon was a state (1859) and Washington (1889) was not, so for thirty years. Cape Alava in Washington is a tad bit farther west. Cape Mendocino, California, is close.
But, if you meant the town, you’re probably correct.
Thanks for helping to promote us.
Hi Shirley! Thanks so much for your comment post…I’ll check out the video and appreciate the additional info regarding the “official” westerly point. Cheers, Mike