Near miss for some, not others
During my nearly seven years as a road trip travel blogger I have had two close call/near-tragic accidents occur. One was way back in 2011 while driving in snowy conditions through Montana. I was driving up a hill on the Interstate, stupidly with the cruise control on, when the overdrive kicked in and spun my truck out of control. While traveling over 60mph down the road, the vehicle was spinning in circles. My passenger and I holding on for dear life as we headed straight for the concrete median. At the last second, the truck straightened out and we merely sideswiped the barrier. I was able to pull the truck over, where I promptly got out to inspect the damage. Miraculously the truck sustained only minor damage and we were just fine. (Click here to read the entire story)
Fast forward five years and I found myself in Cancun, Mexico with a group of travel bloggers driving down a highway heading to the ferry terminal en route to Cozumel. I was sitting in the front seat of a van with the driver and another passenger in the middle. We were traveling around 100kph when I noticed something out of the ordinary…I was witnessing something very tragic about to happen. I think I must have said “oh my god (or the like)” which made our driver take notice. He then sped up and began to move to the right as a full size pickup veered off the on-coming lanes into the median, eventually coming straight for us. Just as the truck was to enter our lanes/side of the highway and smash head-on with us, one wheel cause the truck to veer from its direct course. The truck narrowly missed the back of our van and ended up slamming head on into the cars right behind us. Sadly, three people lost their lives in that moment. Many others were injured and sent to the hospital.

It was one of those life-affirming moments. The video below doesn’t show much, but was posted shortly after the accident by a passerby.
If you’re reading this, hug your loved ones tonight, and remember to live your life to the fullest…you never know when it will be extinguished.
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What a crazy moment, I think we were in shock and so thankful for our lives!
It was indeed! So thankful to be alive this Thanksgiving! Hope you have a good one.