Spent Christmas with a bunch of animals!

Christmas this year was a tough one. Back in April I lost my step-father Rick to brain cancer. At 64, he was a pillar of health and rarely got sick. He had been complaining of severe headaches for a week, until his sister, a retired nurse, happened to come for a visit and insisted he get to the ER. A day later, he was informed that doctors had to operate on his brain to remove a tumor. The surgery was a success, but revealed that his head was full of cancer. He ended up passing away in the hospital a week later.

Needless to say, this has been a tough year for me and my family, especially for my mother. With a traditional Christmas out the window, I took my mom to one of her favorite places in the Phoenix area, the Wildlife World Zoo – Aquarium & Safari Park. I had never been to this Phoenix attraction before and was really impressed by how expansive it is, with such exotic animals. We spent the entire day there and didn’t make it through half the park. The place was still open for a couple more hours, but my mom said her “Fun meter,” was on empty.

Wildlife World Zoo in Phoenix. Photo by: Mike of MikesRoadTrip.com

I was quite surprised by how many different animal specious I had never seen or heard of before. If you get a chance to visit the Wildlife World Zoo, I highly recommend it.

Giraffe at Wildlife World Zoo in Phoenix. Photo by: Mike of MikesRoadTrip.com

Gazelle at Wildlife World Zoo in Phoenix. Photo by: Mike of MikesRoadTrip.com

Tigar at Wildlife World Zoo in Phoenix. Photo by: Mike of MikesRoadTrip.com

Mike Shubic

Mike Shubic is a seasoned road trip travel video blogger, traversing the byways of the world looking for those hidden gems of the road. From unique destinations, unexpected discoveries, creative cuisine, intriguing inns to exciting attractions…the road is his page. The experiences are his ink. And every 300 miles, a new chapter begins. Whether you live vicariously or by example, Mike will do the exploring so you can have an adventure.