Boutique Hotel Experiential Coverage

If you own or manage a boutique hotel/Inn with an aire of panache, we want to hear from you. Mike’s Road Trip offers experiential coverage to help you get noticed.


  • During the stay – Mike will write a number of blog posts with backlinks to your site and post to the “Road Diary” portion of Mike’s Road Trip—as well as several social media sites like FourSquare, Facebook and Twitter. During the stay Mike will be photographing and gathering video B-roll footage of various rooms and angles. By the second day he will begin his on-camera scenes, i.e. intro and conclusion clips, hotel amenities, possible interviews, etc.
  • In the coming weeks – Mike will write a review/story of his experience (with links to your site) that will be supported with a few photos and video. The post will be featured on the home page of Mike’s Road Trip for at least a week, and then it can be found under the appropriate “Featured Lodging” section. (For example, Click here)
  • Once live on Mike’s Road Trip – you can further leverage the experience by utilizing the customized press release that will be provided for you to send to local media outlets.
  • Asset usage – all published assets created and collected, i.e. pictures, video, content, etc. can be obtained and used free of charge. (Note: original files and/or manipulation of files can also be obtained for a modest fee).


  • Production of an experiential video of your hotel (approx. 2-3min). The video will be utilized to support the Mike’s Road Trip story on your property, and will be uploaded to over a dozen travel-related and video sharing sites…including where Mike is a paid contributor. YouTube player code can be provided so that the video can be viewed on your own website.
  • A photo album of pictures will be created for viewers. (see example)
  • Road Diary” posts will be created with links to your site giving readers an update on Mike’s visit.
  • You’ll receive additional mentions and links in any applicable local destination coverage produced by Mike’s Road Trip.
  • In addition to the video being uploaded to video sharing sites, the entire post will be uploaded to a variety of travel-related and social media sites, i.e. Digg, TripAdvisor, Yelp, Facebook, Twitter, HubPages, and many, many others. Click here to see my social media network.
  • All posts will be optimized for search engine traffic.
  • Free 30-min marketing/web consultation (Mike is a 17-year marketing professional with over a decade of web development and online marketing experience. Click here to learn more).
  • Every attempt will be made to help promote your property, including a Mike’s Road Trip Destination Map mention with link to your website and occasional rotation on the home page of
  • If you’re property really stands out, you could receive additional coverage in some of the annual “Best of” posts.


  • I only feature unique, quality hotels  & Inns and will do a fair amount of due-diligence before I agree to visit/cover your property.
  • If selected, I require a three to four night stay (based on your rack-room rate)…this will allow adequate time to write scripts, interview, video and photograph the hotel—as well as your local area for additional story inclusions.
  • $250 payment to cover expenses, i.e. fuel, background video music, hosting fees, etc.
  • Allow 3-4 weeks (often sooner) for footage to be posted on Mike’s Road and his social media network.

About Mike Shubic – Mike is a seasoned marketer and web developer who knows about the new rules of marketing and P/R, which is all about the web, social media and mobile marketing. Prior to Mike’s Road Trip, Mike spent five years as a freelance web developer and online marketer helping countless clients succeed online. In early 2010, Mike decided it was time for a change…he sold everything, created and began traveling the country doing travel destination, lodging and travel-related reviews—it’s where Travel Intersects Reality…Experience the Journey.

Example of a Hotel Experiential Video

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Mike Shubic

Mike Shubic is a seasoned road trip travel video blogger, traversing the byways of the world looking for those hidden gems of the road. From unique destinations, unexpected discoveries, creative cuisine, intriguing inns to exciting attractions…the road is his page. The experiences are his ink. And every 300 miles, a new chapter begins. Whether you live vicariously or by example, Mike will do the exploring so you can have an adventure.