Hangzhou Global Tour: Day two
It was a whirlwind of a second day in Hangzhou that started with a steep and windy drive to the top of Yuhuang Mountain—there we visited a Taoist Temple and met with a very friendly monk who was eager to show us around and answer our deluge of questions.
Our next stop was to the Chinese Hangzhou Cuisine Museum. This was a first for me, as I’d never heard of a museum dedicated to food before. In addition to learning about cuisine that is distinct to Hangzhou, we enjoyed a fantastic gastronomic meal at their on-site restaurant. Most westerners think they know what Chinese food is, but what I discovered was an array of dishes that surprised me, and my palate. Each dish we tried was unique in flavor with bold colors that captured the culinary essence of Hangzhou.

After a wonderful lunch we headed to the Southern Song Dynasty and Guan Kiln Museum where we learned a great deal about the art of pottery. The kids even got their hands dirty while throwing a few pots. Pottery may look easy, but it is an art form that takes years of practice and dedication to master.
Our next stop, or should I say great ascent, was to Innocent Age Book Bar. This amazing book store high atop a bluff overlooking West Lake requires visitors to climb a few flights of stairs, however the reward is well worth the effort. As soon as we made it to the top, we turned and were rewarded with the most extraordinary views of West Lake, which not only inspires reading, but writing as well.
The highlight of the evening was our last stop, a theatrical production that literally takes place on top of West Lake via a submerged stage. Impression West Lake Show is a water, lights and dance production that dazzles spectators with its truly unique performance. Created and directed by Mr. Zhang Yimou, who developed the awe-inspiring spectacle at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, shares his inspiration with audiences in this brilliantly creative experience.
Day three will be packed with even more exciting adventures, so please stay tuned.