Frazier Falls – an easy hike with a big reward

Frazier Falls is located just above Grayeagle, California and is about 6200 feet in elevation.  The 1.4 mile round trip hike is both easy and quite scenic.  This area experiences heavy snowfall in the winter, the melt-off  flows from the Lakes Basin into Frazier Creek on its descent more than 2,000 feet to the Middle Fork of the Feather River. Frazier Falls has an overall cascade of 248 feet with a waterfall of 176 feet, making it one of the highest in California.


The trail-head has room for several cars and you’ll find a few picnic tables and a restroom. The trail winds through the forest with huge granite boulders scattered throughout.  Nearly half way to the falls you’ll come across a wooden bridge that crosses Frazier Creek, which is a nice place to take-in the surrounding beauty. The trail continues straight, but taking a left here and hugging the left bank of the creek will bring you out to Frazier Falls in about two hundred yards. Click the following link for a map to Frazier Falls.

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If you’ve ever been to “Frazier Falls” before, leave a comment below and let my readers and me know what you enjoy most.

Mike Shubic

Mike Shubic is a seasoned road trip travel video blogger, traversing the byways of the world looking for those hidden gems of the road. From unique destinations, unexpected discoveries, creative cuisine, intriguing inns to exciting attractions…the road is his page. The experiences are his ink. And every 300 miles, a new chapter begins. Whether you live vicariously or by example, Mike will do the exploring so you can have an adventure.


  1. I am taking a trip to California in a few months for the very first time and I’ve been searching for active things to do while visiting. Now I can’t wait to hike Frazier Falls! Thanks so much for this post!

    1. Hi Meghan…thanks for stopping by. What part of CA will you be visiting? I can provide a lot of other amazing sights for you to see…depending on what part of the state and how long you’ll be there.

  2. I am visiting Southern California but I’m not afraid of a road trip. I’ll be there for about 4 days. I’ve never been to California at all so I’m very excited.

    1. Four days is not very long…and, from southern California, Frazier Falls is a bit of a trek. Have a look at my San Diego post and video…as I seek out the “ONE thing” you have to do. 🙂 Depending on where you’ll be, the Hearst Castle north of Santa Barbara is fantastic. And, the drive from Oxnard to San Simeon (where Hearst Castle is located) is spectacular. Let me know if you have any questions. Have fun!

  3. You have been such a huge help! Thank you so much! I’ll be sure to let you know how the trip goes!

  4. do you know if echo lake hike is closed? I am looking to do a fun hike near water this saturday. I live in Yuba City Ca was thinking of Frazier Falls is is good for young kids? October 3rd. 2020

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