Five Guys vs. In-N-Out – The Winner is…
Five Guys vs. In-N-Out
I visited a Five Guys Burgers & Fries for the first time in Spokane, WA back in 2011. I have been eating at In-N-Out since maybe the mid-90s. From my experience, I don’t think Five Guys lives up to the hype. The burgers are good, but the fries and overall experience fall short.
There are two reasons for the hype around Five Guys. First, In-N-Out Burger does not franchise. Second, Five Guys has a good P/R person. Allow me to explain…Five Guys seems to have copied the In-N-Out business model to a tee.
The business model differences between Five Guys and In-N-Out
- In-N-Out is family-owned and therefore their growth is slower and concentrated to the western part of the county (limiting its media coverage, especially on a national level).
- Five Guys on the other hand has chosen to franchise its concept, which has allowed it to grow at a much faster pace—and, throughout the nation.
The second part of the “hype” equation is public relations. Five Guys clearly has an experienced P/R person driving the media to talk about its company—it reminds me of how Cold Stone Creamery generated coverage back in its heyday.
Like I said, the burgers at Five Guys are certainly good, but the fries are cut too large, which gives them a “doughy (too much potato)” consistency. In-N-Out fries are thinner, crispier and far superior. I would say for taste, the Five Guys burger might just edge out In-N-Out, but when you consider the price is at least double that of In-N-Out…In-N-Out wins again. As far as service: every time I’ve been to an In-N-Out there seems to be a level of excitement when you enter—their people appear well-trained and are very friendly.
Categories: Winner:
Burger Five Guys
Fries In-N-Out
Service In-N-Out
Experience Toss Up
Value In-N-Out
Tip: If you go to Five Guys, order the Little Burger and Regular fries…NO human should consume as much food in one sitting as is served with the regular burger and large fry. It amazes me that a restaurant would consider serving so much food to a person for a single meal—looking at many of the patrons, you’ll see the evidence of such a practice. At In-N-Out, I order my burgers “Protein Style,” which means no bun, just wrapped in iceberg lettuce.
Bottom Line: In the fast food burger wars, the top two contenders are without question Five Guys and In-N-Out Burger. In this humble critics opinion, the overall winner is In-N-Out.
What say you? I’d like to hear your opinion…please post a comment below.

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And I love the In-N-Out chocolate shakes. Glad we have them here in AZ. I visit it when I have to go to Lowe’s.
I hadn’t realized Five Guys was so similar to In-N-Out — I definitely want to give them a try now! Especially since I’m not 100% sold on In-N-Out’s burgers, though I do drool over their fries… 🙂
Hi Christy, thanks for stopping by. I have to agree… the In-N-Out fries are the best! Cheers, Mike
Hype for real. Heard they were a strong competitor to In-N-Out so I wanted to give them a try. Thumbs down from two in their 30s and a 13 year old boy. Plus the price $5 burgers! The rapid expansion reminds me of Krispy Kreme.
Hi Dustin! Thanks for stopping by and posting a comment. I have to agree with your comparison with Krispy Kreme! Cheers, Mike
We don’t have either here, but I have dined at both in the past. I still prefer Fud’s.
Hey Steve, thanks for stopping by! Oh yeah, they are good too!