
Trekking Through the Olympic Peninsula Area

During the summer months there are few places as superlative as the Pacific Northwest.  Everything is lush and green from its continuous supply of moisture.  When the sun breaks free of the overcast skies it opens up a world of contrast full of depth, color and splendor. I was born...

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A Review of The Lodge at Whitefish Lake

A Review of The Lodge at Whitefish Lake

When I first arrived in Whitefish, Montana, I was pleasantly surprised.  Unlike many smaller towns its size, Whitefish actually has some great amenities and accommodations—including the place I stayed, The Lodge at Whitefish Lake.  Located just east of downtown, The Lodge was much grander than I expected…it’s actually a full-blown...

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Banff National Park: Where Nature’s Majesty Unfolds at Every Turn

Banff-National-park-entrance - Photo by Mike Shubic

Banff National Park had been on my bucket list for years, and when I finally visited, it exceeded all my expectations. Recognized as one of Canada's top tourist destinations, it's no surprise that the park sees a heavy influx of visitors, especially during peak seasons. The Town of Banff Banff...

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Official Launch of Mike’s Road

For Immediate Release: Contact: July 28, 2010 Mike Shubic | 480-433-9241 | [email protected] LIFE’S LEMONS NEVER TASTED SO SWEET Everywhere, USA – The economic difficulties have taken their toll on so many; however some take the lemons of life and turn tragedy into opportunity. Take freelance web developer and online...

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Vagabond Lodge Bed and Breakfast Review

Just when I think it can’t get any better, I stay in yet another amazing bed and breakfast.  I recently visited this wonderful ski area called, “Kicking Horse,” which is just above the Golden, B.C. area.  I stayed at the Vagabond Lodge, which is really a quintessential lodge to me. ...

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Glacier Mountain Lodge B&B Review

Glacier Mountain Lodge is probably one of the finest places I’ve ever had the privilege of staying.  No expense was spared when building this beautiful structure, which also includes two separate cabin retreats on the eight acres the property encompasses. The grounds are fabulously designed with several dramatic water features,...

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The Swan Hill Bed and Breakfast Review

The Swan Hill Bed and Breakfast Review

I stay in a lot of B&B’s and most are unique and special in their own way. The Swan Hill Bed and Breakfast however might just make my top-10 list of favorites…especially the specific accommodations that I was privileged with. Not only is the general area of Flathead Lake spectacular,...

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The Hickory House Inn B&B Review

The  Hickory House Inn bed and breakfast is a place rich in history…it’s located in the historical district of Anaconda, MT and was formally the parish house of St. Paul's Church. The former Rectory has 4200 square feet that includes five guest quarters and some wonderfully spacious and comfortable common...

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Paradise Valley Inn Bed and Breakfast Review

Paradise Valley Inn  Bed and Breakfast is located just outside (and above) Bonners Ferry, Idaho, which is in the northern part of the state and not far from the Canadian boarder.  The Inn has five comfortable rooms, in addition to a private Garden Cabin (which is where I stayed). The...

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Experiential Video Production

What is an “experiential” video?  Experiential videos are developed  in an editorial-style format, whereas the footage is of a person or persons experiencing something first hand…whether it’s a restaurant meal, tourist attraction or lodging accommodations. An experiential video is a powerful marketing tool, and, is becoming quite popular—it puts the...

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Is Ice a Commodity?

There is something odd going on here in Canada...and, it has to do with the price of ice!  A common bag of ice in the States runs between $1.25-$2.00 for a 7lb, 8lb or 10lb bag.  I have been to a number of places to buy ice here in Canada,...

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Where did we Meet?

I meet a lot of cool people on the road...some for just a moment, others I get to have lovely conversations with.  This section of Mike's Road Trip will let you tell my followers and me where we met so that I can remember you through this journey.   Please post...

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A Strange Day of Connections in Bonners Ferry

I was staying in Bonners Ferry, ID yesterday and didn’t realize what a connection I had to the place.  I knew I had some distant relatives that lived there—and, I knew my Mother lived there at one time, however I didn’t know the timeframe or circumstances. I myself had not...

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