A Trek up Mount Rainier
Mount Rainier offers up more than fifty different hikes throughout the National Park. During the summer months you will experience an abundance of beauty, from wildflower meadows to breathtaking glaciers, waterfalls, streams to shimmering lake views with Mount Rainier reflecting across their surface. This is to say nothing of the magnificent, yet elusive snow-capped peak that will beckon your gaze during your visit.
Many years ago I hiked up Mount Rainier with my cousin Nick and my buddy Blair, at that time we went up the
This time, my cousin Nick and I decided to trek up the Paradise route and camp out. The Paradise trail-head is located on the southern part of Mount Rainier with great views of Mt. Adams, Mt. Hood and Mt. Saint Helens (on a clear day).

Glaciers are among the most conspicuous and dynamic geologic features on Mount Rainier. They erode the volcanic cone and are an important source of stream flow for several rivers, including some that provide water for hydroelectric power and irrigation. Together with perennial snow patches, the 26 major glaciers cover about 36 square miles.
Mountain climbing on Mount Rainier is difficult, involving traversing the largest glaciers in the U.S. south of Alaska. Most climbers require two to three days to reach the summit. Climbing teams demand experience in glacier travel, self-rescue, and wilderness travel. Approximately 10,000 people attempt the climb each year, about 90% via routes from Camp Muir on the southeast flank (near where we camped).
Hiking, photography, camping/backpacking and back-country skiing (we saw one guy packing his skies down and when we got higher saw where he had skied), are very popular in the Mount Rainier National Park. Click the link to view some of my pictures of Mount Rainer.